

Utility Location

Electronic Magnetic Field Locating

Electromagnetic field locating is the most commonly used technology for subsurface utility locating. Eve Services carries a range of EMF wands for utility location and all our equipment is in current calibration and our operators BYDA certified.

Ground Penetrating Radar

Ground Penetrating Radar uses electromagnetic waves to image subsurface structures, aiding in detecting utilities, geophysical mapping, and archaeological investigations.

Potholing and Strip Trenching

Potholing uncovers utilities using non-destructive digging. Strip trenching involves narrow excavations for utility installation, minimizing disruption and damage risks.


Vacuum Excavation

Non Destructive Digging (NDD)

Non-destructive digging employs precision equipment to safely excavate, preserving underground structures. It minimizes risks, ensuring efficient and safe operations.

Footing Excavation & Site Cleanups

Footing excavation involves digging foundations for structures. Site cleanups include removing debris, maintaining a safe environment for construction projects.

Drain Jetting and Culvert Cleaning

High Pressure drain jetting up to 1.5m diameter pipwork for civil infrastructure and drain cleaning. Confined space Culvert cleaning involve removing debris, maintaining efficient water flow for proper drainage.

Environmental Cleanups
Algae & Pond Sludge

Environmental cleanups tackle algae and pond sludge, restoring ecosystems. Methods include algae control and sludge removal for ecological balance.

TPZ Root Excavation

TPZ root excavation preserves tree protection zones, using precision methods to safeguard roots during construction, ensuring tree health and stability.

Non-destructive Footing Investigation

Non-destructive footing investigation uses advanced techniques to assess foundation conditions without causing damage, ensuring structural integrity through precise analysis methods.


Project Management

Eve Services and its staff have a combined 25years of project management experience and bring this knowledge to provide its clients with a tailored solution.

Our years of operation in the construction industry have provided us with a trusted network of suppliers to offer our clients. Our previous projects have involved end to end project management engaging several contractors to deliver a complete utility location package. Contractors we work closely with on our projects include:

Traffic Control

TC permit application, traffic design schemes, control plans and QPS engagement.

Civil Contractors

Remediation works, conduit and piping installations

Local Municipalities

Works permit applications and clearance approvals.

Cadastral Surveyors

Marked utility pickups and overlayed survey of utilities

Geotechnical consultants and drilling contractors

Borehole clearance, environmental waste management plans, worksite remediation.

Additional Client Requirements

Project manage additional clients work whilst on site.